Mark Gibson wrote:
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Mark Gibson wrote:
>>> I've not had chance to test it, but I'm sure all elements
>>> have a resize event. If not then the resizeable plugin can
>>> trigger() it itself.
>> Hi Mark,
>> I tried to do this like this:
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>      $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>>          {
>>              minHeight: 100,
>>              maxHeight: 700,
>>              minWidth: 100,
>>              maxWidth: 800,
>>              handlers: {
>>                  se: '#resize'
>>              }
>>          }
>>      );
>>      $("#resize_map").bind('resize', function(e) {
>>          alert("resized event");
>>      });
>> });
>> But no event fires :(, I have also tried:
>>      $("#resize_map").resize(function(e) {
>>          alert("resized event");
>>      });
>> $("#resize_map").trigger('resize'); does force the event to fire.
>> I can add the trigger('resize') to the resizable plugin, but it seems 
>> like it should just fire. Any other thoughts?
> Steve,
> After a quick flick through JavaScript, The Definitive Guide and a
> few online docs, it seems that the resize event only applies to
> window size changes.
> So you'd have to manually trigger the event.
> Also, I've noticed that trigger appears to be broken for IE in the
> latest jquery download r501! - but is fixed in SVN.
> BTW, you can just chain the bind:
> $('#resize_map')
>      .Resizeable({
>          ...
>      })
>      .bind('resize', function(e) {
>          alert("resized event");
>      });

Gilles, Thank you for you note about the rename in svn.


I have made a little progress, reading the plugin and looking at the 
demo I found that:

             minHeight: 100,
             maxHeight: 700,
             minWidth: 100,
             maxWidth: 800,
             handlers: {
                 se: '#resize'
             onResize: function(size, position){
                 console.log(size.height + 'x' + size.width + " resized");
             onStop: function(){
                 alert("We have finished resizing!");

This will fire on every mouse move. This is very cool, but is not what I 
want. I need just a single final event fired when the resizing is done 
so I can update the map with its new size and have it request an new 
image from the sever.

The code looks like it has an onStop: function(){} option but I could 
not get that to fire.


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