
This sounds like bug 164, which has been recently fixed in svn.


Richard Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the $.get function to bring back a DOM Document which I
> can then manipulate with jQuery functions.
> In Firefox and Opera this works fine with a function call similar to the one
> below; $(xml) will give me a jQuery Dom Document I can work with without
> problem.
>  If I try the same code in IE it just gives me javascript errors (Error:
> Object does not supprt this method or property).
>    $.get(src_xml, function(xml) {
>       alert("Requested XML: "+ $(xml).toXML());
>    });
> It looks like IE is bringing back a XMLHTTPRequest Object - from which I can
> get the XML as text.
> How can I get the IE call to bring me back a DOM Document OR how can I turn
> the XML String into a working DOM Document for IE with jQuery?
> Regards, Richard.

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