> Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
>>> I noticed that when text is scaled up in the browser, the containing
>>> boxes do not expand to accommodate the larger content. Would this be
>>> troublesome to fix? My lame guess is that the height needs to be set
>>> to auto at some stage of the animation, or will this cause a flicker
>>> problem maybe?
>>> I have been keeping an eye on accordion implementations for a while
>>> and it always seems to be the "one-size-only" thing that turns me  
>>> off
>>> them. If this could be fixed it would make the plugin even more
>>> versatile.
>> Thanks for you comment. I simply didn't test this matter. I hope  
>> that it can be solved by adding some additional styles. Can't  
>> promise anything, but I'll try to investigate it.
> Did that for tabs. You have to reset the height to auto *after* the
> animation is completed (callback!).
> -- Klaus

If you haven't already done it, here's the fix:

Change this line of your jquery.accordion.js file:
var finished = function() { --running };

To this:
var finished = function() { --running; this.style.height="auto"; };

Not sure its the best way to do it, but it works a treat.

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