
Very nice! and oh so close to what I want.
Can you add a print link that will render the right panel only for 
printing? It would be nice it it could be printed in either aphabetical 
or catagory order.

Please, please, please! Pretty please!


Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Hi jQueryians,
> I'd like to present you a first draft for a new stylesheet for the 
> jQuery API: http://joern.jquery.com/api-draft/cat.xml
> There is still lot's of work to do, but the main concern, a new concept 
> for the navigation, is already functional. Both Alphabetical and 
> Category lists will be provided as exapandable trees.
> Please don't waste your time checking it with IE, the draft works so far 
> only with Firefox.
> Please post your opinions and ideas, I'm sure there are many.
> Regards
> Jörn

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