Brandon Aaron schrieb:
> I think I prefer the suggestion made by Dave Methvin of using on() and
> un() instead of bind.
> $().on('click')
> $().un('click')
Thanks Brandon, just forgot to mention that.
> Also maybe event.bind and event.trigger should have 'Data' appended to
> the end to be more clear about what it is.
> Also don't forget to clear out any added properties to the event
> object in IE or it will leak.
That's the problem, therefore I favor the paramter approach. While it is 
no problem to clean up the added data after the handler was called, 
closures could make that ugly. Consider this little example:

$().bind("click", function(event) {
    // event.bindData is available here
    $().bind("whatever", function() {
       // event.bindData is not available!
}, {stuff: "foobar});

Jörn Zaefferer

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