I couldn't figure out to do it unless I added some form of ID to each
input field.  I'm not sure how one can get the place of an element
within a jQuery object, so this is how I approached your problem.


Tested in Win/FF2



            <input type="checkbox" id="1"><label>box 1</label><br />   

            <input type="checkbox" id="2"><label>box 1 and 2</label><br

            <input type="checkbox" id="3"><label>box 1 and 2 and
3</label><br /> 

            <input type="checkbox" id="4"><label>box 1 and 2 and 3 and
4</label><br />






            function () {

                        $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").each(

                                    function () {



                                                            function ()

$(this).siblings("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").lt($(this).id()-1).each(

function () {



checked: 'true'














The code can be cleaned up a bit, but I like making it verbose while
trying to figure things out so that's what you get.


If someone knows how to snag the place of an element within a jQuery
collection so that number can be passed to the lt() function I'd love to
hear it.





Behalf Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 4:27 PM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: [jQuery] Checkbox: Selecting all Previous


This might be a newbie question, but I am having trouble with it.


I have 4 checkboxes vertical


<input type="checkbox"><label>box 1</label><br />   

<input type="checkbox"><label>box 1 and 2</label><br />   

<input type="checkbox"><label>box 1 and 2 and 3</label><br /> 

<input type="checkbox"><label>box 1 and 2 and 3 and 4</label><br />


When I click one, I want to check the boxes of all the ones previous to
it (including it).  And uncheck all the boxes after it.


How would I structure the statement in jQuery to select?  I am trying to
avoid the FOR loop.


This gives me the last one.

var lastOne = $("#myForm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:checked:last");


Not sure how to use this.  I tried prev() but that didnt seem to work.


Thanks for the help,



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