
> I find the jQ  src is compressed. could you tell me what tools can compress
> the js myself ?

AFAIK John uses this:


You can also try 


Very early stage of development, but in the most cases if works for me.

JSquash is slower than Packer while compressing, but the result is usually a 
bit smaller. I have no measurements about the decompressing speed. I'd expect 
both to be similar.

JSquash is planned to be a C++ library, but at the moment it simply compiles a 
small CLI-Programm. Kae Verens has a JS-Implementation of the same Algorithm 
at http://verens.com/demos/jsquash/jsquash.html but it is even slower than 
the C++ Version.

> and  in process of compress what could be problem.

Packer as well as JSQuash takes out the line breaks. JavaScript interpreters 
insert missing semicolons at line breaks automatically. If now these line 
breaks are gone and the semicolon is still missing, the compressed code will 


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