I have attempted to bring this up in the past but did not get any
response. Which is amazing since this is such a huge issue.
I *could* be doing something incorrectly, so please if so, I want to be

One of the reasons for no-response a couple months back *MAY* be due to
the complicated matter and it is hard to put into words to describe what
is happening.
I will try to make it clear.

I am NOT a good jquery coder, just barely a newbie.
So say for example I am doing a simple border on image hover.
I believe this much of an example will suffice? I am relying on .ready,
using IE 6.0.28

        function() { $(this).addClass("jsHover"); },
        function () { $(this).removeClass("jsHover"); });
        $(".frmElement").focus(function(){ $(this).addClass("selected");
        .blur(function(){ $(this).removeClass("selected"); })

In my case I am displaying say 100 rows with an Icon at the start of
each row, that when you hover over changes the border color.

THE PROBLEM: Sometimes not 100% either way, the "code" will stop, and
say only the first 50 rows have the DESIRED jQuery feature/hover.
Something happens where any given amount "CAN FAIL". And you will NOT
see the results on all or some of the jquery effect.

As most of you have been developing as long or longer than I, 10 years,
you KNOW we cannot even allow a 1% failure rate.
What can be done? How is everyone getting 100% accuracy and I am seeing
effects fail? If you refresh more than a couple times you can usually
see where the effect fails. This is a HUGE concern as it means I cannot
role out using jQUERY to do ANYTHING important until I *learn* / find
out what causes an effect to fail.

Another example is is I use JQUERY to say color divs in a dynamic menu I
built. Say the first 3 columns/tabs of the horizontal menu do the effect
perfectly, I hover over a choice and jquery colors it from white to blue
say. But all the sudden if you go to tab 5 the jquery effect is not

I told you this is hard to put into words, can anyone help me?

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