On 12/10/06, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David schrieb:
> Dave Methvin schreef:
>> jQuery: Write less and do more
>> jQuery: Say no more   (for Monty Python fans)
>> jQuery: Web programming, short and sweet
> As long as we are making slogans. I will give it a shot as well
> jQuery : the ruby of javascript
> Some can argue it's too specific but the idea behind is that like ruby
> jquery makes webprogramming more understandable with all the advanced
> features from the proven language(s) still intact.
Why not "Succinctness is power"? It's a bit harder to chew on, but you
have more from it. We could quote even more stuff from Paul Graham,
giving jQuery a more serious, a little less hackish background.

I have to say that I really like this. This really reflects well on jQuery's

+1 from me.

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