play wrote:
> I'm new to this list. Lovin' jQuery. Not sure if this should be posted 
> to ff bugzilla or not but I'm having problems with some strange 
> behaviour with flash ExternalInterface and jQuery in firefox2. 
> Basically, any jQuery function call that occurs after a call to 
> javascript from flash doesn't work. I checked and it's not just jQuery 
> calls in the chain from the, it's any jQuery 
> call. Everything works fine in IE6 and firefox 1.5. Has anyone else 
> experienced this? Any insights into jQuery that could clue me in to a 
> possible workaround? Thanks.

Did you figure out what was going on with this? I've just run into the 
same problem and was wondering if you found a solution... I'll start 
putting together a test case and will check around more but any insight 
would be very gratefully received...


Kelvin :)

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