
> > > ID should be uniqe over the page, so  div#myid is redundant.
> > [...]
> I know that. My point is that there should not be two elements with same id
> on the page. At least, I'm developing like that.

But that doesn't make the expression div#myid redundant. Of course the id 
should be unique, but div#myid has another meaning than #myid. That's why it 
isn't worthless as Jake said. It even isn't worthless measuring the 
difference, because div#myid needs to check if the element returned by 
getElementById() is a div. As Karls results show, there is a noticable 
difference here.

As far as I can judge it, Karls results suggest, that jQuery uses 
getElementsByTagName() and then search the result for the id. I guess it 
would be faster to do it the other way round.


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