My results:

      $('body') 1.33ms 0.64ms 0.62ms
      $('body div') 34.38ms 34.38ms 34.06ms
      $('div', [jQuery('div'), jQuery('a')]) 69.06ms 68.12ms 67.82ms
      document.body.getElementsByTagName('div') 0ms 0ms 0ms
      $(jQuery.merge(document.getElementsByTagName('div'), [])) 23.12ms
23.12ms 23.44ms
      $('div') 32.5ms 33.12ms 32.82ms
      document.getElementsByTagName('div') 0ms 0ms 0ms
      $('*') 50.62ms 54.36ms 55.94ms
      document.getElementsByTagName('*') 0ms 0ms 0ms
      $('.dialog') 61.86ms 65.62ms 68.44ms
      $('div.dialog') 43.76ms 43.74ms 44.06ms
      $('div').filter('.dialog') 47.2ms 45ms 50.94ms
      $('div#speech5') 40ms 39.68ms 42.82ms
      $('div #speech5') 34.06ms 32.18ms 34.38ms
      $('#speech5', document.getElementsByTagName("div")) 0.64ms 0.62ms
      $('div').filter('#speech5') 44.06ms 40.62ms 43.76ms
      $('#speech5').filter('div') 0.62ms 0.64ms 0.62ms
      $('#speech5') 0.32ms 0.32ms 0.62ms
      $('body > div.scene div#speech5') 49.38ms 51.56ms 55.32ms
      $('div.scene div.dialog') 87.18ms 87.5ms 88.44ms

andy matthews
web developer
certified advanced coldfusion programmer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

  -----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Yehuda Katz
  Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:01 AM
  To: jQuery Discussion.
  Subject: [jQuery] Speed Tests

  In the vein of the discussion we've been having on this list (and, of
course, heavily inspired by the first speed test), I've created a more
extensive speed test that tests a bunch of similar cases.

  A word of warning: your browser will not be available for a good 30
seconds or so while the test is running, but it will not lock up.

  The first thing my code does is test how long it takes to run a
$(".class") query, and bases the number of attempts for each test on the
speed of that query (not a perfect system, but it should prevent crazy long
loads on slow computers.

  Check the test out at:

  Yehuda Katz
  Web Developer | Wycats Designs
  (ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

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