Stefan Holmberg schrieb:
> Am using the cssRadio/cssCheckbox plugin, cookie plugin, hovertip etc. I
> know it doesn't look all right in Firefox etc, but hey, I need something to
> do waiting for Santa... Just wanted to thank you - and if you look at the
> site and find some abvious errors/stupid things - please let me know...
For a start: Give the page a title tag :-)

Some other things I noticed:
 - Give the tag checkboxes some grid/layout.
 - Add a white (invisible) border on the font preview images and set the 
border color to black on hover, that should prevent a bit of "flicker"
 - Create a real "logo"
 - Minimisze the amount of line scripts in the html source; If you need 
to read server-side generated data from JS, take a look at the metadata 
 - Remove all those <hr/> elements in favor of a bit more stylesheet 
stuff (eg. border-bottom combined with a bit padding)
 - Use the latest and greatest compressed version of jQuery (you have 
1.0.2 uncompressed)
 - In case you'd like a slimmer tooltip solution:

I like it! Bookmarked :-)

Jörn Zaefferer

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