On Thursday, January 04, 2007 9:41 AM fidoogle <> said:

> They are not happy with the
> screens showing so fast because they think the web users will not
> notice the differences in the screens. They've asked me to put in
> page reloads. In their minds they want the code to go back to the
> server to request the next page. What I want to do is to fake a page
> reload.

I have this exact same frustration with Washington Mutual's ATMs. There
are two screens that are nearly identical in their content and almost
always get me confused. "Didn't I already answer this question?!?!?
Oh... It's different."

Definitely in the case of Washington Mutual and probably yours as well,
this can be fixed with some better copy and visual cues (not a fake
reload though!).

If the two screens are so similar that people might get confused then
the application is probably more difficult to use than it should be. The
page flicker is not what's causing the confusion, the content is.

My .02


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