
> Your test page works now :-)

Great :-) 

> But I still have the same problem...
> Here is a zip file. After unzipping, there will be a new "chili" folder
> with a test page and a subfolder. It works in FF1.5.0.9 but does not in
> IE7. http://www.nabble.com/file/5620/chili.zip chili.zip

Currrently I don't have IE7 at hand - on monday again.

I tried your code with Firefox 2.0, Opera 9.02 and Konqueror 3.5.5 on Linux. 
Firefox is OK, Opera has huge linespaces, but shows the colors. Konqueror 
doesn't do any coloring at all, but an alert() in the calback of $using() in 
chili.js fires. I guess you have tried that alert with IE as well.

BTW.: I usually don't write the packageBase in package_src.js. I keep that as 
it is an overwrite it outside. That way I don't have any problems when 
changing to the compressed package.js.


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