Mike Alsup wrote:
>> For example, reading through the code it is not obvious to me how the
>> function $.blockUI() blocks continued execution of javascript ...
> It doesn't.  All blockUI does it put an iframe over the window and
> capture/discard keystrokes.  The idea is to block the user from using
> the UI until unblockUI is called.   Blocking continued execution of
> javascript would be self-defeating.

Yes, you are correct. What I am trying to do is a modal dialog. My page 
has a form that is updated by user interaction. If the user tries to 
move on without save the data, I want to pop a modal dialog with a SAVE 
and CONTINUE button. The SAVE button saves the data and both buttons 
dismiss the dialog. While the dialog is up, I need the UI blocked.

So the simple test case works great, but if I call it directly is does 
not wait to be dismissed.

> I'm not entirely sure what you're attempting to do, but one thing you
> should be aware of is that when you pass a message or DOM element to
> blockUI it first discards the current message (via empty()) and then
> adds the new one.  So if you plan to use a DOM element be sure to
> cache it first, like the demo page does.  Otherwise the next time you
> call this:
> $.blockUI($('#dirtyFormMessage')[0]);
> jQuery will not find the dirtyFormMessage element.

Thanks, I noticed the empty() but didn't pickup on the side effect.


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