I hope I was clear enough that I meant browser apps that go back to a
php/mysql server for content delivery? The server part is no problem,
just concerned about the client side and how capable their respective
browsers are.


On 1/25/07, Gerry Danen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been asked to put certain database apps online for Blackberry
> and Windows Mobile devices. These are typically a lookup/edit or
> table/browse protocol.
> Some tech questions I need to consider:
> 1. The OS on these devices is different, will that make a difference
> on the browsing to an app?
> 2. Is jQuery appropriate for mobile devices? WinMobile probably does
> JavaScript but how well implemented? And how does RIM fare?
> Note to above: I am new to both programming mobile devices and jQuery,
> so please indulge my ignorance.
> 3. What other questions should I ask? Is it as simple as detecting the
> browser/platform and coding from there?
> 4. Any sites, mailing lists, I should visit?
> Thank you all,
> Gerry

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