
every plugin from interface uses iutil.js, so you need to include that 
file too.

I will try to fix this issue as soon as I can.


nrwsteff wrote:
> i have some problems with the interface autocompleter plugin.
> when i start the example page for the autocompleter in FF (1.5 or 2.0) the
> ajax request is fired and the result list is shown as expected. when i
> select a row with the keyboard and press enter afterwords, the content ist
> displayed in the info pane and the suggestion list is closed. if i select
> the row with the mouse, the suggestion list still remains and no selection
> is triggered. firebug console listed the following bug:
> jQuery.iAuto.applyOnSelect is not a function
> because of the packed version on the example page, i can't investigate
> deeper...
> my next try was to check out the latest versions from SVN and give it a try
> on my own server. unfortunately i can't figure out, wich interface plugins i
> must load and in wich sequence (if there is a dependency)
> I load the following files (always the latest versions):
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/iautocompleter.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ifx.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ifxblind.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ifxslide.js"></script>
> :
> :
> and use the following code to supply autocompletion: 
> $(document).ready(
>       function() {
>               $('#autocompleteMe').Autocomplete( 
>                 {
>                       source: './iresult.php',
>                       delay: 500,
> /*                    fx: {
>                               type: 'slide',
>                               duration: 400
>                               },
> */                    autofill: true,
>                       helperClass: 'autocompleter',
>                       selectClass: 'selectAutocompleter',
>                       minchars: 2,
>                       onSelect : cityCode,
>                       onShow : fadeInSuggestion,
>                       onHide : fadeOutSuggestion
>                       }
>               );
>       }
> );
> the page loads without errors, but there was no ajax request fired...
> when i try the same page with the jquery.js and the interface.js from the
> example page, everything is ok, but the above mouse selection problem is
> still there.
> another point is, that the example page didn't work with IE6 or IE7 at all.
> it seems, that there is also no ajax request fired. if i try it on my local
> server with IE, I receive the result list, but the above mouse selection
> error remains.
> i'm sure, this must be an issue of the interface autocompleter, because the
> autocompleter from dylan verheul works for me in all browsers remote and on
> my local server!
> can someone verify the above?
> is there a chance to fix the problems in a short term (i need a working
> solution in the next days)? if not, i can use dylans autocompleter instead
> of interface ac - but i prefer the interface aproch with the ajax XML
> instead of the text format from dylans autocompleter. 
> thanks, steff
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