Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
> Ok. The ":selected" issue seems to be the same as in Opera 8.5, I have 
> no idea what to do about that. But that shouldn't be a real issue.
> The 15th XPath test fails in all browsers, it simply documents a bug in 
> jQuery and is not Konquerer specific.
> It's quite likely that the serialization fails because of very minor 
> encoding differences, if I remember correctly, that problem occured in 
> Opera 8.5, too.
> But apart from those, everything seems fine. So what exactly is your 
> issue? Looks like the test suite doesn't help us.

Jörn, I found that animations in general do not work fine. For example 
in Tabs if I use show() that has no effect in Konqueror whereas 
css('display', 'block') does.

Something basic must have changed in jQuery 1.1, because all worked fine 
with jQuery 1.0...

-- Klaus

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