You could also try this:

$('#mylist').append('<li id="'+ listItemId +'" value="' + ($('#mylist >
li').size() + 1) + '">' + textToShow + '</li>');


On 2/6/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joel Noble schrieb:
> I've got a little code snippit that adds LI elements to an
> ordered list (OL).  In Firefox, the added elements get their
> own numbers and all is good.  In IE, every element is added
> as #1.  (The LI is added, but each one shows as #1).
> Here's what I'm doing to add the elements:
> $('#mylist').append('<li id="'+ listItemId +'">' + textToShow +
> Is there anything I can call after adding to prompt IE
> to "renumber" the elements of the OL?
> Thanks!

Joel, you could try to set the value manually with the value attribute -
it is deprecated in HTML 4 although:

var addedLi = $('<li id="'+ listItemId +'">' + textToShow +
if ($.browser.msie) {
    addedLi.attr('value', theValue);

The only thing you need to do is to figure out the correct value (if it
works at all that is).

-- Klaus

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