On 14/02/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     This is a re-post of a blog post written by Paul McLanahan:
>     http://jquery.com/blog/2007/02/13/jquery-nightly-builds/
> Hey Everyone -
> After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, we now have automated
> nightly builds of jQuery ready for mass consumption. These builds came
> about due to we community members who would like to experiment with
> the most recent features of jQuery, on our projects, but who for
> whatever reason, don't have access to the subversion repository.
> In any case, here are the gory details: You can get your
> bleeding-edge-jQuery fix at:
>   http://jquery.com/src/nightlies/
> This folder will simply show you a list of available files. There are
> 4 files in there in which most of you will be most interested. And
> they are...
> * http://jquery.com/src/nightlies/jquery-nightly.js
>   Pretty self-explanatory. It's the uncompressed jQuery; fresh from
> the repository.
> * http://jquery.com/src/nightlies/jquery-nightly.pack.js
>   As the more perceptive of you have already guessed, it's the packed
> version of #1
> * http://jquery.com/src/nightlies/jquery-nightly.release.zip
>   This contains the docs, test suite, and all of the pre-built
> versions of jQuery
> * http://jquery.com/src/nightlies/jquery-nightly.build.zip
>   Is the real win for the poor souls behind the fiery-walls of the
> corporate world. It contains the full jquery path from the repo, and
> is everything you need to build your very own jQuery
> The nightlies folder will also fill up with dated versions of all 4 of
> these files so that you can find jQuery at whatever vintage you
> prefer.
> New versions of the nightlies will be added every day at 2am EST (7am
> GMT), and will consist of the most recent revision from the subversion
> repository at that time.
> If all of this talk of subversion, repositories, bleeding-edge, and
> nightly building makes the stability craving web developer inside you
> run away screaming, fear not. The stable release download you need is
> still right there, waiting for you.
> http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery

Any chance this could be done with the plugins? If not all, maybe just
the popular ones (like dimensions).

Whenever I download them I can't really be sure what revision I am
using as downloading via the TracBrowser does not add this information
(is it possible for it to?). CVSWeb allows checkout (e.g.
http://www.example.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/CVSROOT/myfile), is
TracBrowser not capable of that?

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