On 2/16/07, Kenneth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Right, but I was saying was, INSTEAD of modifying my HTML markup to prevent
> the default event (using return false, javascript:;, etc), I could simply
> loop through all the links on the page from the <head> and set
> preventDefault() on them in that manner, that way when I need to make the
> prototype functional, I can just remove that jQuery routine and all is back
> to normal.
> Am I not making any sense?

An example is needed.

$('a').bind('click', function() { return false; });

That is all you need to do to prevent the default and stop
propagation. You could also write it like this:

$('a').bind('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); });

Which will only prevent the default and allow the event to propagate.

Brandon Aaron

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