> When I click a navigation link there is a series of cosmetic changes made to
> the screen.  In addition to these interface changes, which occur quite
> nicely using Taconite, I would usually use a .load() function to load
> another template into the main div, and this is what confuses me.  Should I
> call the load function from within the Taconite XML file?  Call .load
> explicitly in the page javascript after calling the .get for Taconite?  Am I
> making sense?  I guess I'm wondering, since Taconite intercepts AJAX calls,
> can I call an AJAX function from within the Taconite XML file?

Paul, you can structure it whatever way makes more sense to you, or
whatever fits best with how your page is written.  While Taconite
intercepts ajax responses, it only processes Taconite responses so
don't worry about an infinite loop.  So you could use the $.get
callback, as you suggested:

$.get('myTaconiteDoc', function() {
    //  make another remote call

or you could put the other remote call within the taconite document:


or, if possible, just return what you know you need in the original
document!  :-)


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