Ok, here's another question.... I've got this code working:

$(document).ready(function() {
                                        idsource = $(this).attr("id");
                                           type: "GET",
                                           url: "getItems.php",
                                           data: {cat_id: idsource},
                                           dataType: "xml",
                                           success: function(xml){
                                              //build a table from xml results.
                                              var output = 
'<table><thead><tr><th>Items Available</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
                                              //create rows for each result.
                                              $("item_id", xml).each(
                                                 function() {
                                                                var linkId = 
                                                    output += '<tr>';
                                                                output += 
                                                    output += '<td><a 
                                                    output += '</tr>';
                                              output += '</tbody></table>';

I just looked for a "nextSibling" style analouge in jQuery. Would it be more 
benificial to change the node I am getting out of the XML file and grab both 
its children? or is this method ok?. Which one would be faster? Selecting two 
children? or selecting siblings?


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