On Mar 7, 9:30 pm, "Aaron Heimlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/7/07, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After the page is loaded and if I set the breakpoint, it works like
> > I expected. But, if I set the breakpoint and reload the page, it
> > breaks at the breakpoint even while the page is loaded--this is
> > confusing as it looks the event or function is been called even when
> > the page is been getting loaded. Am I missing something? or Is this
> > the way the Firebug works on jQuery? TIA
> That's the way Firebug works in general. My understanding is that when it
> hits the breakpoint on page-load, the JS interpretor is processing the code,
> but hasn't gotten to the point where it begins to execute it yet. Firebug
> probably breaks whenever the JS interpretor hits that line, regardless of
> what it's actually doing with it.

       Your reasoning is quite logical. But, my testing suggests that
this behavior is happening only with jQuery.

> This is really something that you should
> ask Joe Hewitt (the creator of Firebug), though.

     Yes, but no helpful hints from the Firebug group:(

  <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
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