
don't know if anyone still remembers this problem, i thought it was an 
embed/object issues and ovewrote jQuery.fn.flash.transform function to 
write the object tag for ie and the embed tag for all other browsers, 
but it still didn't work this way.. it still didn't work that way so in 
the end it turned out that the html has to be written with 
$('#div')[0].innerHTML instead of $('#div').html() .. so if anyone else 
has this issue, it can be solved this way.. and just wanted to ask, does 
anybody know why it works with innerHTML and not with .html() ?

spinnach wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm using the jQuery flash plugin to embed a flash movie to a webpage, 
> and the ExternalInterface to communicate between flash and javascript.. 
> in firefox everything's working as expected, but i can't get it to work 
> in ie.. these are the as and javascript snippets:
> flash:
> import flash.external.*;
> ExternalInterface.addCallback('callback', this, callback);
> js:
> flash = ($.browser.msie) ? window['flash_id'] : document['flash_id'];
> flash.callback();
> tnx..
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