On 13/03/07, Guillaume Léonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
>  before explaining my problem, I must advise you that I'm a beginner in
> Javascript, DOM and everything around it. I currently continue a web app
> that uses DOM so I'm learning at the same time.
>  My problem is that I got incompatibility problem with JQuery and DOM. Let
> me explain a bit more...
>  I use the ThickBox function into my webapp to display pop-ups. The
> ThickBox, uses JQuery librairy. When I import the JQuery Librairy into the
> project, and the DOM librairy has to be imported aswell (otherwise the
> project won't work), many DOM functions won't work. Best exemple, sometimes
> I call DOM.Show(..,..) in order to display a control. When I include the
> JQuery librairy into the project, DOM.Show still exists of course, but the
> objects aren't DOM anymore, they are JQuery types.
>  Our DOM.Show function looks like that :
>  show : function(id, style)
>  {
>  var o = $(id);
>  if(!o)
>  return;
>  o.style.display = style || ""
>  }
>  The ID is the id's element of the form.
>  When I don't implement JQuery.js into the project, everything works fine.
> If I do implement JQuery (also with DOM), the "style" property of the o
> object doesn't exist. It seems to have become a JQuery object somehow and I
> don't have access to DOM properties. Since the DOM.js file is a common file
> among many teams, I cannot change it.
>  Overall, my question is, how can I still access the DOM properties and
> functions while implementing JQuery librairy ?
>  I might not be very clear, and I'm deeply sorry for that. I hope you see my
> point.
> Thank you,
>  Guillaume L.

There is a page on the Wiki that shows how to do this (use jQuery.noConflict()):

Basically, you do this:
<script type="text/javascript">

     (function($) {
          // jquery code here:

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