Okay ... I've got a sneak peak of the new bgiframe plugin here:

This discussion started in the recent suckerfish plugin thread ...
basically they ran into an issue where the expressions used by the
bgiframe plugin slow down animations in IE6. This has been brought up
before. Hopefully the flexibility provided by the new settings will
help solve this problem and a few others.

Notice that if you don't pass anything it acts just like it did
before, which is usually enough for most situations. However, there
are a few situations where having more control would be really nice.
So, I've made it possible to manually pass a top and left, width and
height and the src of the iframe. On the test page I demo several
different usages and the settings I passed to the bgiframe method.

One of the bigger things that makes this nice is that you can now use
other values other than pixels by manually passing in the values. You
can also pass your own expression() too. I still highly suggest using
the 'auto' settings because that automatically adjust the top, left,
width and height properties as the elements changes. However, you can
very easily hook into the iframe and change its properties as the
element changes in advanced situations by selecting the element,

I'm going to be doing some more testing and hopefully push it into SVN
soon. BTW I've tagged the previous version of the bgiframe plugin

Brandon Aaron

On 3/13/07, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reading this has inspired me to update the bgiframe plugin. I'm going
> to have an options hash that can be passed in. The options will be:
> * offsetTop: auto || specific value
> * offsetLeft: auto || specific value
> * width: auto || specific value
> * height: auto || specific value
> * zIndex: -1 || specific value
> * tabIndex: -1 || specific value
> * src: 'javascript:false;' || specific value
> * className: 'bgiframe' || specific value
> The offsetTop and offsetLeft are automatically calculated as the
> border's width and height (depending on top or left). If you pass in a
> value for the offsetTop and offsetLeft, then the expressions used to
> calculate borders will not be included. Same applies for the width and
> height options.
> This will make the plugin more reusable across other plugins and
> sites. So instead of commenting out the expressions, you could just
> manually set and offsetTop and offsetLeft values for your particular
> situation.
> Feature/enhancement requests?
> Hopefully I can have something ready today but that depends on work. :)
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On 3/13/07, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 13/03/2007, at 4:43 PM, John W wrote:
> > > This is a very nice implementation of the suckerfish menu with
> > > jquery. One
> > > thing, however, is there any way to add the z-index checking using
> > > something
> > > like bgiframe for the IE6 issue of menu elements not hovering over
> > > select
> > > menus in IE6? I tried implementing it but it really bogs down the
> > > drop down
> > > menus in IE6 a lot which tells me Im doing something wrong.
> >
> > I was just reading the comments on the bgiframe file here:
> > http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/bgiframe/bgiframe.js?
> > format=txt
> >
> > These parts seems to be relevant to us:
> >   * It does take borders into consideration but all values
> >   * need to be in pixels
> >
> > My demo uses ems to define the dimensions etc.
> > also:
> >
> >   * NOTICE: This plugin uses CSS expersions in order to work
> >   * with an element's borders, height and with and can result in poor
> >   * performance when used on an element that changes properties
> >   * like size and position a lot. Two of these expressions can be
> >   * removed if border doesn't matter and performance does.
> >
> > That sounds especially relevant considering that an animation runs on
> > the element when the menus are revealed. Maybe removing the
> > expressions that relate to borders (if you don't need them) may help
> > you. Otherwise, another option could be to do an instant reveal of
> > the menu rather than a gradual animation (not as cool of course).
> >
> > Joel.
> >
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