Dan, many thanks for the explanation. It took a couple of read throughs but 
it all makes sense.

I thought I'd try the $.ajax method as suggested and after much mucking 
about it seems to be working :) The only thing that doesn't work is the 
timeout which is (very) bad because, as you pointed out, if the validation 
page doesn't respond / takes too long the browser locks. Under the 
circumstances (single app on a dedicated server) I'm prepared to take the 
risk. Obviously, if someone can tell me why the timeout doesn't work here 
I'd love to know.

Jörn, thanks for the link. My first attempt to get this working followed the 
ideas in the thread here 
combined with showErrors but the idea of everything being kept in one place 
was too appealing to ignore :)

The method so far:

remote: function(value, element, param)
var isvalid = $.ajax(
timeout: 1000,
async: false,
url: param+"?value="+value
if($.trim(isvalid) == 'true')
return true;

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