of course, 3.46 minutes after sending it I spot the problem. No number in the rating title = bad news for IE. I've set it to title="Average Rating: 0" since there really is no average rating going on in my app. I wonder if this could be implemented as a option? Bah, too many options these days. :)
Will On 3/28/07, Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've downloaded the star rating plugin that Captain JR enhanced. It's not working in IE 6 or 7. Working fine in FF2 and OP9. In IE it's showing the actual form elements (select, label and button) as well as the stars below. The stars themselves do not stay highlighted. I see the demo at http://john.jquery.com/plugins/rating/ works just fine in IE6+7. Can some one spot my problem? in my head: .......
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