Hi folks,

I've just added the styles that an user of my accordion plugin uses on 
his site to the accordion demo (thanks for the permission, not online 
yet). I've looking at it, I noticed that this gives everyone not only a 
way fancier demo, but also a good repository of styles to start with. 
Just pick the behaviour and presentation you need and have to do much 
less customization. Good for both of us.

Basically I'd like to ask everyone who may be using one of my plugins 
(accordion, treeview, tooltip, validation [0]) if you can donate some 
stylesheet. The easiest way: Give me a link to your site using the 
plugins and your permission to put those in the demos.

Thanks for your participation!

[0] http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/

PS: An accordion spinoff is coming soon!

Jörn Zaefferer


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