Alexandre Plennevaux schrieb:
> hello!
> i guess i'm not too good in finding my way upwards in the DOM tree.
> I have a structure like this:
> dl#navigation
> dl#navigation > dt
> dl#navigation > dd > ul > li > a.selected
> dl#navigation > dt
> dl#navigation > dd > ul > li > a
> dl#navigation > dt
> dl#navigation > dd > ul > li > a
> /dl
> all  ul are hidden but the one containing the selected a. I need to 
> access that specific *dt* element.
> i tried this, but it does not work:
> $this = $("//dd[ul/li/a.selected]");
> $;
> $this = $(this).parent();
> $("dt",$this).css({border: "1px solid #FF0000"});
> sorry, i think i  'm in need of a good tutorial on selectors.
> thank you for your help,
> Alexandre

Alexandre, try this:


I'm not sure if I understood that XPath selector correctly, but you 
could try:

$("//dd[ul/li/a.selected] ~ dt")

But I think that this one simply selects the dd element that is preceded 
by a dt which is the case anyway.

-- Klaus

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