
2007/3/29, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 What's the point. Why not jump on board with jQuery too. Someone of his
caliber would have been a great addition to the jQuery team. I suppose it's
just an ego thing.

On their website, there are the goals:


Obviously much credit goes to Yahoo!'s most excellent Yahoo! User Interface
library <http://developer.yahoo.com/yui> which is the backbone of DED|Chain
as well as Jack Slocum <http://www.jackslocum.com/> for putting together a
lean, lightning speed DOM CSS
which is the base of all chains for DED|Chain. Lastly, much
appreciation <http://www.flickr.com/photos/polvero/426305951/> goes to John
Resig's jQuery <http://jquery.com/> for the inspiration of DED|Chain's

The goals for DED|Chain in all honesty comes down to these three things.
They may or may not change, but these were most definitely the original

  - Get jQuery users to explore the depth of Y!UI. Perhaps DED|Chain
  will serve as a good bridge that will bring familiarity to the seasoned
  jQuery developer.
  - Get Y!UI Developers to try something new; like jQuery. It is a
  different (and fun) style of JavaScript development. Hopefully DED|Chain can
  bridge that same gap and shed new light to the seasoned Y!UI developer.
  - Targeted at Web Developers. If you build websites on a daily basis,
  I want this to be the JavaScript library of choice. New and upcoming
  additions to the library should keep that very thing in mind.

Sounds cool.

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