I'm working with the validation plugin and I'm trying to work out the id of 
the first form field that causes an error. Hopefully someone will tell me 
there's a really easy way to do this but I couldn't find it so, as a start, 
I've added a new function in validate.js:

  returnList: function() {
   console.error( this.errorList );

I've added this just after the countErrors function. In my form page I've 

var errorFound = $('#theform').submit(function(){if (validator.countErrors() 
 > 0){ validator.returnList() }});

With the above I see in the console an object returned that says:

Object useremail=Please enter a valid email address

And, if I click on the above I get the full object:

recipientemail    please enter a valid address
useremail    please enter a valid address

What I'd like to be able to do in returnList is (pseudo code)...

  returnList: function() {
   return( this.errorList[id[0]] );

...to return 'recipientemail' (or 'useremail', I'm not fussed).

Can anyone tell me what I need to put in the [brackets] to retrieve what I 
want? I've tried id, element, name, key, etc but I'm not getting anywhere so 
perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way?


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