Thanks.  Just wanted to make sure it wasn't something the plugin did
out-of-the-box that I just wasn't seeing.  :-)

On 3/30/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rob Wilkerson schrieb:
> > I just downloaded this to give it a shot and it looks great, but I
> > have a couple of questions:
> >
> > 1.  I have a dark background that the tabs have to sit atop.  The
> > background image for tabs appears not to be transparent.
> > 2.  The tabs appear to be fixed width - maybe due to the image size?
> > I need to fit "Creative Survey" and "Survey Results" on two separate
> > tabs.  I can't find a way to do that without wrapping.
> >
> > Am I missing something?  I've played with the CSS and opened up the
> > unpacked JS file to look at other options I might be able to set.
> >
> > Thanks.
> Rob, the CSS that is provided is only an example to start with. I cannot
> take any possible circumstance into account.
> For flexible width tabs you would have to split the tab image into at
> least two parts. Make the left part really wide. Then add another span
> into the <a> and declare the right end of the tab as background image
> for this <span> element. This only works if the images are not
> transparent, that's why I didn't do it in the first place but then
> skipped the splitting due to overwhelming lazyness ;-)
> You may also be interested in the "sliding doors" technique:
> -- Klaus
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