i've got a few sites that use jquery too, and a couple of ones still in 
development.. the ones that are finished are:

http://www.pharmacon2007.com (a site for a pharmacy congress - jquery 
used all over for various effects and ajax loading - also uses the 
jquery history plugin, jquery flash and jquery form plugin)..

http://www.campbell-park-youth.org.uk (a site for kids in campbell park 
- also all over the site, for all sort of ajax loading - for the poll 
and calendar in the sidebar, uses thickbox for the register form, the 
game room and for the gallery, maybe somewhere else, also uses the 
jquery flash plugin and jörn's tooltip plugin, maybe some more)..


Rey Bango wrote:
> Added:
> * [http://iamzed.com/tveetter/ tveetter]
> * [http://ballofdirt.com/ Ball of Dirt]
> * [http://tfl.gov.uk/ Transport for London]
> Thanks for the submissions!! We're at 151 sites listed to date! w00t!
> Rey...
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