Thank you! It worked.

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Pramode C.E. <>wrote:

> >
> >
> > os.system("cd Documents") # is not working :-(
> >
> >  Can I override this?
> The current directory is a "per process" concept.
> If process A spawns process B and process B changes its current directory,
> that does not in any way affect the current directory of A.
> The "system" function spawns the shell to execute the specified command -
> doing a "cd" within the spawned shell doesn't change the current dir of the
> Python process or any of the processes spawned in the future by Python
> (including the next instance of the shell spawned by another invocation of
> system).
> You might try something like the following:
> os.system("cd Documents; ls")
> Now "ls" will be done in the Documents folder because both commands are
> executed by the same shell.
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