> i thought about studying kernels and editing them first...
> but.. it is very difficult to decode a well developed kernel
> like linux... 

Understanding any big system is a tough job - but people are doing it all the 
time - otherwise, you won't be having so much of free software!

But then, it helps if you start out with smaller projects - that's why I 
recommend RTEMS - the project seems to have a good community around it, and 
there is at least one very good Indian developer in it (Aanjhaan) who will go 
to any length to motivate and encourage students like you. 

> though we have got 1 year for our project.. we
> have seminars, exams etc.. i cant ignore them... i have to
> do my project along with them.... but i think studying
> myself is a difficult task...

No, it is not. Doing things yourself is the *only* way to do it. The community 
will be there to help you - but only if you put in sincere, committed work 

> and if there is some one who
> could help me know about kernels, that will be useful... so
> how should i proceed...?

Learn generic os theory (you have to know what a semaphore is .. stuff like 
that), learn assembly/C thoroughly, learn at least one CPU architecture well, 
understand more about the system software toolchain (compiler, assembler, 
linker etc), download RTEMS, run it, join the project mailing list/irc channel, 
talk with the developer/user community, fix bugs, write code, learn, enjoy 
yourself, have fun!!


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