Hi all
Our students (PGCentre, Thrissur) are planning a one day seminar on Jan.2nd
week, 2010 (date not confirmed). The venue will be YMCA hall, Palace road,
We are thinking about three sessions.
Session 1. 9.30 - 12.30 am. (for IT students) Hacking and cracking, Embedded
system, Data mining, Nano Technology etc.
Session 2. 1.30 - 4.30 pm. (for IT students & general public) Operating
Systems : Free Software against proprietory software-  Comparing Debian
Lenny, Ubuntu 9.10, Fedora 12, Mac OS and Windows 7. Self employment and
other opportunities in the free software.
Session 3. 5.30 - 8.00 pm. (for general public) Cyber law (2008)& Cyber
freedom - A Discussion.
This is a draft plan. Anyone can suggest their own ideas on sessions and

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