I think your observations are good ones, Adam, but you may not find
the data you're seeking. I've looked for it, too. I know your

In the absence of information about your specific use case, some food
for thought:

* For the inexperienced user, well-formed HTML/XHTML is designed to
do a lot of little things transparently. If you aren't a frequent
user of Acrobat, on the other hand, you could easily overlook
controls that exist to make it easier. (Look at the first link I
pointed to before, in which they talk about "reflow" controls in
PDF -- not enabled by default, and most users won't know about it.
That's just one example. You can think of a dozen more in a
30-minute brainstorm.) The point here is that you're
asking/requiring the user to get familiar with one more piece of
software that he/she may not care to learn well enough to extract the
needed data. IT people tend to accept a level of complexity that the
average human will not, and I find they often need to be reminded of

* Along the same lines, HTML/XHTML is inherently designed to be
repurposed. Acrobat is designed first and foremost as a printing
intermediary. Acrobat is a wonderful program, but that bias shines
through; I know Nielsen emphasizes that, but it bears repeating.

* Sometimes showing is better than telling. Know what your PDF looks
like on a PDA or a cellphone? If you're posting a resource for
business travelers or podcast listeners, that might be relevant
because a mobile device may be their only choice. Those IT people
you're talking with are users too, so _show_ them what doesn't make
sense about their idea by going along with it for initial testing.
Experience is even harder to refute than a big pile of studies.

I hope this helps,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posted from the new ixda.org

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