First - regarding upload and download - the use of these terms within this
community is so self-evident as to be tautological. Upload and downlode make
use of the spatial metaphors that here is down and there is up. Why there is
up is up for debate - but thats the way it is. For more on metaphor - see
Saffer's master's thesis and Lakoff/Johnson's "Metaphors We Live By."

More interesting is import/export. Before file formats, different OSes, and
networked computers - import/export had a commonly understood meaning.
Import was to bring goods into a country from somewhere outside. Export was
to ship goods to a foreign country. There was no transfiguration of the
goods in question. The East India company did not take nutmeg from Ceylon
and change it into tea which was imported by the American colonies. Tea was
tea - and simply moved location, and at the same time crossed a legal
barrier and became American after a tax stamp was affixed to the goods.
Again - essentially spatial. So why is it that in CS we choose to use
import/export not to signify a change in location and jurisdiction - but
simply a transfiguration and translation from one thing into another.
Exporting a file does not move it, it simply changes it's encoding, after
which you save it with a different name, and extension. So why use words
whose meaning refers to space (import is moving to here, export is moving to
there) - to mean translation?

~ will

"Where you innovate, how you innovate,
and what you innovate are design problems"

Will Evans | CrowdSprout
tel +1.617.281.1281 | fax +1.617.507.6016 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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