I found a "sunrise" alarm clock at a yard sale a few years back. Basically,
it's a clock/lamp that slowly brightens in the minutes leading up to your
awake time. A bit after that, a typical alarm will softly ring and build in

It's quite nice since you don't wake up in fight-or-flight response :).
Similar ones can be found by doing a google search for "alarms clocks for
the deaf." Here's an example from HammacherSchlemmer, though not the one I
own: http://tinyurl.com/5x8bwk

Unfortunately, the ones I've seen are quite ugly.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Michael Micheletti <

> I've had a Zen Alarm Clock for some years now:
> http://www.now-zen.com/cgi-bin/orders/shop.pl?ACTION=ENTER+SHOP&thispage=zenclocks&AFFILIATE=google73&ORDER_ID=%21ORDERID%21
> I love it, but then I'm a left coast tree-hugger from the Pacific
> Northwest, your mileage may vary. The tall triangular versions are
> better than the little portable ones with the lids IMHO.
> Michael Micheletti
> On 6/20/08, Jonathan Abbett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There was a list discussion a couple years ago about alarm clocks...
> >
> > http://www.ixda.org/discuss.php?post=5934
> >
> > ...and it made me wonder-- what do usability-sensitive people use for
> alarm
> > clocks?
> >
> > I'm at a point where I'm ready to buy the last alarm clock I'll ever
> need,
> > so for argument's sake, let's say money is no object.  What's the most
> > delightful alarm clock experience you've had?
> >
> > -Jon
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