Benjamin Ho wrote:

Instead of the catchy title naming Google, the author should have
called it, "Is the Internet making us stupid?"

I've been taking some classes at CMU with people half my age. It's amazing how few of them are familiar with the research tools I grew up on, say, the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature.

We did some research projects on clothing in one class, and out of ~20 of us, there were only 3-4 of us pulling history/art books off the shelf in the library, scanning images on the massive (and free!) scanner, then putting them into our projects. Pretty much everyone else had the same stock images from "teh interwebs".

Looking at the results, I'm not sure if it's much different from people copying each other's work in the 80s instead of doing library research. Maybe the Internet doesn't make it easier to do research, it just makes
it easier to copy off of someone else's research?

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