On Sep 22, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Jared Spool wrote:

On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:44 PM, Christine Boese wrote:

What if the whole idea of a "revenue model" is the wrong question? Coming in from left field here, but does anyone ask, "What is the revenue model of the
Boston Commons? The town square?"

I see.

So the $496,000,000 that has been poured into Facebook by Microsoft, Li Ka-shing, and the other venture capitalists should be thought of as a public-service project?

Someone is going to have to do it.. Might as well be Facebook since they could probably withstand the backlash.

That is... charge $9.99 a month to have an active account. A free account would still exist but gets severely limited.

Seriously... that was the model that worked for America Online. Just charge a service fee for ... service! Not sure why that's such a bad thing.

Most of the folks in the internet space are going to have to realize that if they want to make money, they'll probably to actually charge their customers at some point. Advertising will only get all of us so far, and will probably only work for a few select companies. Charging money isn't actually a bad thing. In fact, it can be argued it's the responsible thing to do. And further, it can also be argued that if everyone stopped making everything "free" we could all move back into building real businesses with real sustainable revenue models instead of everyone rolling the dice and hoping to get bought.

In fact, I'm willing to lay good money that if Google announced they would be charging $49 a year for access to their "cloud apps" like Docs and GMail, they'd only lose at most 33% of their current customer base, and probably a lot less. I mean... seriously... $49 a year is still massively cheaper than paying $200+ for Office. And I'd also be willing to bet Google can keep the advertisements in their cloud apps while doing so.

This broaches a larger discussion, but it's long been a problem that people will pay for hardware with services -- like say your cell phone and SMS data plan or such -- but somehow think software should always be free.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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