On Mar 19, 2009, at 9:09 AM, Jake Trimble wrote:

Has anyone seen any attempts to replace the standard floppy disk Save
icon? Seeing as most people haven't touched a 3.5" floppy in a decade,
is anyone addressing this archaic icon and how we can replace the
current mental model associated with it?

I noticed this exact problem a few days ago, too.

There are two problems here:

(1) You're describing an action with a object. ("Save" = "Diskette") And since the object in common use for the action has significantly changed, it no longer logically works to use the old one.

(2) You're dealing with a slowly obsoleting action. "Save" is an artifact of when we couldn't reliably autosave each action.

What you really need, then, is (a) a modern action to reflect what is really being done (such as "Save Version"), and (b) iconography to reflect *that* action.

A decade ago, I tested an app that compiled HTML code into a binary format, and it had a "Run" command (which didn't actually "run" anything, note a problem right there). The button icon? A bright red/ orange phoon. In an app aimed at Enterprise and Military customers. The marketing manager was a bit miffed when I complained about the icon and how it looked like a Dr. Seuss character -- "We paid a lot of money for those icons" "You should have paid more" -- but she came around when I walked her through it: you had to deduce that the icon was supposed to be a person, then that it was a person running, then that the command was Run, and then what the Run command would do; you effectively had to decipher a pun in the process. I think they changed it to an arrow or even just the word Run (since the app wasn't localized).

(Phoon?  http://www.phoons.com/)

-- Jim

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