Call for Participation: UXcamp Berlin 2009

Bringing together: User Experience Designers, Interaction Designers, Information-Architects, Prototype Engineers, Product Managers, Visual Designers, Usability Professionals....

This is the goal we set in organizing the UXcamp 2009 in Berlin on may 23rd and 24th. In a BarCamp style we invite professionals, rookies, experts and evangelists of the user experience community to collectively reason about trends, developments and strategies for the future of our industry.

A BarCamp is a user generated conference whose content is provided by its participants. As a place for talks, workshops and get together it lives from the enthusiasm and personal interaction of the people attending. The final schedule is laid out every particular day at the event itself enabling spontaneous adjustments and reactions. Every participant of the UXcamp is encouraged to propose topics and hold sessions. For more information on the BarCamp idea visit:

The UXcamp Berlin 2009 in brief:

*The UXcamp takes place on May 23rd and 24th at the Erwin Schrödinger Zentrum at Berlin`s Humbold University *We like to provide an event to bring together all disciplines and branches of the user experience community and encourage communication, learning and exchange amongst them. *Everyone interested is called to help us shaping the UXcamp 2009, to propose topics, ideas and workshops at
        *Participation is free. The event is entirely financed by sponsoring.
        *We expect about 300 guest from Germany and the whole world.
*Registration takes place at and is open for all registered members until maximum capacity of 300 participants is reached

Call for Participation

Entuthiastic, curious anf eager to participate:
Please register at, get an overview and make first contacts in advance.

The UXcamps lives from your ideas:
Everyone is encouraged to propose or request sessions, workshops and ideas at the UXcamp website or via e-mail:

Help us making it happen:
Please support the UXcamp by becoming one of our sponsors. This is your chance to present your company to the user experience community. For more information write to: or visit


The UXcamp 2009 is organised by:
Silke Berz, Marlene Böhmann, Ludwig Gatzke, Volker Gersabeck, Silvan T. Golega, Henning Grote, Piet Herbertz, Thomas Kueber, Kai Uhlemeyer, Dr. Luzi Beyer

General enquire:



Cheers! Thomas

Thomas Kueber
IxDA Berlin

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