Dan, thanx for taking the morning charge here. ;-)

Peter, the answer to your question depends. Obviously!

Since we are responding to Dan's piece, we have to respect Dan's
definition of IA. From THAT definition, Dan is correct. I can define
IA to mean whatever I want. It is young enough to be maleable. 

Austin, I love your book, but to compare it to Polar Bear the way you
did is just wrong. The 1st edition of the book was OK, the 2nd edition
is great!, but it is not a defining book of IA as a discipline as much
as it is about IA as practice.

Jorge, "meaningfulness"? I think you stretch the lexicon a tad
here. "understanding" I can take. But meaningful? that is a
personal value statement that I don't think fits here at all. having
meaning and being meaningful are not on the same plain. 

Back to Peter,
contemporary IA exists within hypertext. It is about what happens
when you add a 3rd & 4th dimension to information design. In that
regards, I think Dan expresses quite well many examples of where Ix
exists without information spaces.

For example, I'm in a class right now where we are designing the
HARDWARE for a laptop. Yes, there are information design problems in
this problem, but most of those are more classically covered under
viz or graphic design, or ID in order to communicate affordances and
apply meaning. Where to put a power button, what sound is associated
to it, and how to communicate its actuation are things that happen in
IxD that don't in IA. I don't know how anyone who's used a consumer
device could think otherwise, unless you REALLY do think that IA = UX.
And thus is everything. In which case our frameworks are so
oppositional that there is no productivity in communicating in this
way and to other's point lets just talk about the work.

Show me where an IA method applies to the design of a power button,
but not as IA. Just do it! How would you go about designing a power

-- dave

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