Hi everyone,

We have been talking with Mozilla about how our two communities can tap into
each other, and I think there are some exciting ideas in the works.  I've
seen some calls for a more open source approach to the work we do, so here's
your chance.

We're talking about co-sponsored design challenges (even in conjunction with
JohnnyHolland.org), maybe events, creating our own space for IxDA.org
innovation...We'll keep you posted as things progress (and naturally contact
any of the Board members with ideas you may have).

One opportunity that is on the table right now is working with them to build
out what they're calling "The Chocolate Factory", an area for sharing and
tapping into innovation. For starters on that, I'd like you to take a look
at the following call for participation from Pascal Finette of Mozilla Labs:

Hi Everybody,

Since a little while we are working on a super-exciting project -- and
now we would love to get your feedback and (if you want) your help:

The basic idea is to replace the current Concept Series forum with a
tool which allows users to post ideas/mockups/prototypes; discuss,
rate & collaborate on them and move them forward through the process.
Further the tool aggregates content from the wider web to allow users
to host their concepts on their own blogs and sites such as flickr.

You'll find our current thinking about this tool on the Mozilla wiki:

How can you help?
First off all - we would love to get your feedback on this. Does this
make sense to you? Is the tool - as described - something you would
like to use? What could we do better? Any specific ideas? We would
love to hear them!

Secondly - we're going to start developing this soon. And we would
love your help. Currently we plan to build this as a combination of a
lightweight RESTful API and a Javascript client (similar to the
architecture of Bespin). Atul and I will start hacking on this - and
we welcome everyone who would like to hack with us on this. And we
need more than just hackers - we need to build wireframes, design the
interface, create a great user experience. In short: Everything from
start to finish.

If you're interested - ping me via email (pfinette [at] mozilla [dot]
com), twitter (@pascalfinette) or IRC (pascalf on irc.mozilla.org /



let us know what you think!

President, IxDA
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