You might want to check out Steve Mulder's book on Practical Personas
although I'm not recommending you build personas as a response to
your question.

One of the things I got from his book was about the script being
there primarily to keep the conversation going; the real goal is
getting the person on the other end talking about what's important
to them; be open to dialogue that is off-topic and not on the script.

That said, is your goal to uncover end user needs or to collect
stakeholder needs..or both? Because each of these roles has different
connections to the customer and different perspectives. They will
probably be most responsive to you when your questions seem to
benefit them. 

For example, if you are improving on a feature in the product that is
currently below "par" in the competitive landscape, the sales people
will probably be happier since they won't have to defend the current
product deficiency in their meetings.  

If you are talking to the phone support staff about high frequency
call topics and mention how you are trying to reduce the volume of
these through design changes, they may love you for that. Or, maybe
you are putting a heavy paper-process into online format such as a
registration one-off that currently isn't available on the website. 

In short, I think it would be helpful to know what your goals are:
customer input or stakeholders...or are the customers internal? 
It's hard to suggest questions not knowing what you want to get out
of it.

Good luck!


Rhythmspice Media

p.s. listening to inbound calls an hour a week in the call center is
a great way to learn about the customers and call center staff at the
same time. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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