On Nov 11, 2009, at 8:31 AM, R. Tan wrote:

Any thoughts on when it is best to use a rating system vs a simple
like/don't like voting feature? I currently need to decide which way to go on a restaurant guide project in which the existing rating system is a 1-5
scale "star" (with no guide, higher stars = better).

Unless one has a known and universal explanation on how "stars" are valued, it seems that the rating system is flawed. What are your thoughts on this?

In my experience, a star-based rating system has inherent flaws:

* Does 1 star mean passable or very bad?
* Does 0 stars mean unrated, neutral, or very bad?
* Does 3 stars out of 5 mean fairly good or neutral?

Everyone knows more or less what the extreme ends mean, but not the middle. Is one star less than max only a little under tops or quite a bit? Only the rater knows for sure.

I think what is generally needed for most cases is a four-option set:

* Hate it
* Neutral
* Love it
* Haven't rated it

-- Jim

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